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Keen On Retirement

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What Divided Government and Potential Covid Vaccines Could Mean for 2021 Thumbnail

What Divided Government and Potential Covid Vaccines Could Mean for 2021

After a historic week, it looks like America will head into the new year with a new president and some very encouraging news in the fight against Covid-19. The ways that these events have rippled through the markets are yet another reminder of just how complex – and how resilient – our economy is. In the weeks ahead, it will be very important that folks separate their personal feelings from their financial planning and stay focused on things that they can control.

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Prepare for 3 Important Changes to Social Security Coming in 2021 Thumbnail

Prepare for 3 Important Changes to Social Security Coming in 2021

Now that the presidential election is nearly over, I hope that folks will start to focus a little bit more attention on their financial planning to-do lists as we close out 2020. I know it’s tempting to get caught up in speculating what Congress and the Federal Reserve will or won’t do with regards to the economy, the markets, and health care. But those are unknown variables right now that none of us can control.

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Election 2020: How the Election Could Impact the Market Thumbnail

Election 2020: How the Election Could Impact the Market

In this webinar, Matt Wilson, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at Keen Wealth Advisors, will cover a macroeconomic update of the markets, plus the key things we are watching right now and our outlook for the rest of 2020. Some of the topics Matt covers in this webinar include: The upcoming election and implications for your investments Update on Covid-19 The status of the economic recovery Our outlook for the remainder of 2020

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