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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Here’s How NOT to be Surprised by Your Taxes in Retirement Thumbnail

Here’s How NOT to be Surprised by Your Taxes in Retirement

One piece of advice we give our clients at Keen Wealth Advisors is to make a financial plan that attempts to minimize surprises in retirement. Without a plan, many retirees get their first big surprise in the second week of April. And it’s not a fun surprise: when you stop receiving a paycheck and start living off your assets and investments, your tax filings can change dramatically.

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How President Trump’s Tax Plan May Affect Your Pocketbook Thumbnail

How President Trump’s Tax Plan May Affect Your Pocketbook

On today’s show, we try to sort out the facts from the what-ifs, and make some considered observations about what President Trump may mean for taxes. Which proposed reforms are most likely to become law? Will there be a compromise with the Democrats? And what should you be doing to prepare yourself and your money for the next four years?

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