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Keen On Retirement

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3 Major SECURE Act Provisions You Need to Discuss With Your Fiduciary Advisor Thumbnail

3 Major SECURE Act Provisions You Need to Discuss With Your Fiduciary Advisor

Clients and friends of Keen Wealth have questions surrounding the Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act that was passed at the end of 2019. And with good reason! In many ways, the SECURE Act represents a significant rethink of retirement and estate planning. The government has recognized that as folks begin working longer at a wider variety of jobs, individuals need to start taking more personal responsibility for their retirement planning.

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Here’s What Congressional Action on the Proposed “SECURE Act” Means for Your Retirement Plans Thumbnail

Here’s What Congressional Action on the Proposed “SECURE Act” Means for Your Retirement Plans

Generally, on Keen on Retirement, we don’t like to discuss proposals that are floating around in Washington. There’s so much politicized chatter in our newsfeeds every day that we prefer to wait until the facts get separated from the fiction, all the dust settles, and a new law is actually put into effect. But we’re making an exception on today’s episode for the SECURE Act of 2019, which passed the House back in May and is currently kicking around in the Senate. The discussion surrounding the House version of the bill gives us some important insights on what the government is thinking about your nest egg and the future of retirement planning.

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