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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Keep More Money in Your Pocket by Avoiding These Common Money Mistakes Thumbnail

Keep More Money in Your Pocket by Avoiding These Common Money Mistakes

Recently I took an amazing flight with my son, Devin, to St. George, Utah, near the Grand Canyon. Devin is a certified private pilot studying for his instrument rating, so it was a big help to have someone with his skill and knowledge in the copilot seat helping with navigation, communications with air traffic control, and helping to perform crosschecks – all of which make for a safe flight.

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3 Non-Financial Questions That Can Determine How Prepared You Are for Retirement Living Thumbnail

3 Non-Financial Questions That Can Determine How Prepared You Are for Retirement Living

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology established the AgeLab to study new trends in longevity and come up with ideas and technologies that can improve people’s lives as they age. The AgeLab has determined that having enough money to sustain your retirement is only one part of the equation – a common theme on Keen on Retirement as well! In a recent article, Director Joseph Coughlin, PhD, poses three important questions that retirees should ask themselves to prepare for a long and happy retirement.

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Feeling Blue? Consider Turning to Nostalgia Thumbnail

Feeling Blue? Consider Turning to Nostalgia

“Living in the past” is usually considered a bad thing, especially for new retirees who are struggling to transition out of their working lives. At Keen Wealth, we’re consistent with our message that seniors should prepare for retirement and look forward to an exciting new chapter, focusing on all the opportunities that retirement can provide.

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“Retire in Place” and Live at Home Well into Your Golden Years Thumbnail

“Retire in Place” and Live at Home Well into Your Golden Years

With all the modern comforts and services available to us, it’s really not surprising that many folks are deciding to “retire in place” and spend their golden years enjoying the familiar comforts of home. Plus today’s seniors are, by and large, healthier, more active, more connected, and more self-sufficient than previous generations. That means they’re also better-equipped to care for themselves longer before turning to alternative living arrangements, such as moving in with adult children or assisted living.

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