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Keen On Retirement

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Analyzing October’s Bumpy Market History and Other Listener Questions Thumbnail

Analyzing October’s Bumpy Market History and Other Listener Questions

That's probably a big reason why October has a reputation for being the worst month for investing. But as we discuss on today's show, digging into the numbers and taking in the broader historical perspective reveals some more important lessons for investors who get spooked by volatility. We also bring that same long-term perspective to a couple questions our Keen Wealth clients have been asking recently.

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Ride the Cycle of Investor Emotions to Long-Term Financial Success Thumbnail

Ride the Cycle of Investor Emotions to Long-Term Financial Success

“How are you?” I bet I’m not the only one who’s stumbled over that question recently when I’m talking on the phone, video chatting, or answering emails. It’s rarely been so tough to answer such a simple question! I’m OK in the sense that my family and my Keen Wealth team are all healthy and continue social distancing. I’m OK in the sense that we have enough food, enough toilet paper, and enough on demand entertainment.

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