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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Leading By Example: US Air Force Academy Graduate on How Millennials are Working Towards a Better America Thumbnail

Leading By Example: US Air Force Academy Graduate on How Millennials are Working Towards a Better America

As regular readers and listeners know, I recently turned 50 and I do worry about the world that my generation is leaving behind for our children and grandchildren. If you get too caught up in chatter on cable news and social media, it can leave you feeling pretty scared and frustrated. And if you believe the stereotypes about the upcoming millennial generation, we’re leaving some pretty serious problems in the hands of kids who are entitled, self-absorbed, and incapable of handling basic adult responsibilities - or so they say.

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Using a Vision Board is a Powerful Way to See—and Experience—a Happier Retirement Thumbnail

Using a Vision Board is a Powerful Way to See—and Experience—a Happier Retirement

When you’re working full time and raising kids, it’s hard not to get caught up in the minutiae that dominates your daily life. Just getting from Monday to Friday can feel like one frantic slog through whatever’s next on the agenda: getting the kids to school, getting yourself to work, meetings, project deadlines, picking the kids up, soccer practice, dance rehearsal, homework, and a few meals squeezed in wherever they fit.

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Celebrating Freedom, its History, and its Heroes on July 4th Thumbnail

Celebrating Freedom, its History, and its Heroes on July 4th

For most folks, July 4th is the official kickoff party for Summer. But I think it’s important to take a moment between bites of barbeque, parade floats, and fireworks to remember what we’re really celebrating. I’m not just talking about the anniversary of the Continental Congress signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776. I’m thinking more about how our forefathers, working in times that were every bit as challenging and polarized as our own, managed to create something extraordinary: the freest, strongest, most innovative, and most prosperous nation in history.

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Angel Flight Central’s Don Sumple on How Volunteering Can Add More Meaning to Your Life Thumbnail

Angel Flight Central’s Don Sumple on How Volunteering Can Add More Meaning to Your Life

On this special episode of Keen on Retirement, Don talks about his transition from a successful broadcasting and media career to running a nonprofit organization. We also explore Angel Flight’s mission and how Don views retirement. Hopefully, this conversation will give you a new perspective on how reaching out into your community can make any stage of your life more rewarding.

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