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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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What if You Outlive Your Retirement Savings? Thumbnail

What if You Outlive Your Retirement Savings?

What if you are healthy at 100? Will your retirement savings last that long? We all know how important it is to create a retirement plan and save to ensure that we have enough to last through those Golden Years, but many people haven’t saved enough. Only one in four people aged 55 and over has more than $300,000 saved. Fortunately, most of our clients at Keen Wealth Advisors fall in that “one in four” category and have done a nice job saving for retirement.

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Six Steps To Supercharge Your Retirement Before the Buzzer Thumbnail

Six Steps To Supercharge Your Retirement Before the Buzzer

Most of the clients I work with that are on the glide slope to retirement are relatively well-prepared. Even so, many have a lingering feeling that they’d like to save a bit more before their retirement party. When you think about your future retirement, are you excited and confident? Or do you feel uncertain and stressed? If you’re looking to save a bit more before you stop working to give you greater confidence, start by taking these six steps.

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Keen Wealth Advisors is Proud to Sponsor the Inaugural Keen Wealth Classic Thumbnail

Keen Wealth Advisors is Proud to Sponsor the Inaugural Keen Wealth Classic

Did you know that Keen Wealth Advisors sponsors the Big D Cycling team? As a result of our close partnership with Big D Cycling and our active desire to be involved with community events, we are hosting the inaugural Keen Wealth Classic cyclocross race on November 13th. We hope this event will become a midwest staple for years to come and are honored to be able to help get it started

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