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Keen On Retirement

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Search results for: scams

7 posts matched your search

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How to Avoid Getting Caught Up in Financial Fraud

If you go back and skim the 200-plus episodes we've recorded of Keen on Retirement, you'll notice that every year or so, we devote an episode to the latest financial frauds and scams that are making the rounds. Especially as we head into tax season, it's important that folks remember the IRS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Social Security Administration are never, ever going to call you and ask for your banking info. We also regularly caution folks against clicking on suspicious emails or text message links, or making investments that seem too good to be true with the Bernie Madoffs of the world. On today's show, we talk about another type of financial "fraud" that's perfectly legal but potentially just as dangerous to your financial security: taking bad advice from unaccredited financial commentators and celebrities trying to further their own best interests, not yours.

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Protect Your Info and Your Money from Fraud with These Cybersecurity Tips from Jeff Lanza

Today marks the third time I've had the honor to welcome retired FBI Special Agent Jeff Lanza to our podcast. In his 20-plus-year career, Jeff investigated cybercrime, fraud, organized crime, human trafficking, and terrorism. Jeff is now a regular on TV news, including CNBC, the Fox News Channel, "The Today Show," and "Good Morning America." He's the author of two books and has spoken around the globe and in 49 states, including lecturing at Princeton and Harvard University. On this episode, Jeff offers several actionable steps that folks can take to secure their online info and steer clear of the latest scams.

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Former FBI Special Agent Jeff Lanza on the Latest in Cybersecurity

The pandemic closed a lot of doors in 2020. But for cybercriminals, business is always open. The more time folks spend socializing, working, shopping, and managing money online, the more sensitive data could be vulnerable to hacks and scams. Click on the wrong link or answer the wrong phone call and you could be at risk for significant financial loss or identity theft issues that can take weeks, months, or years to sort out.

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3 Tips to Safeguard Your Finances from the Latest Credit and Debit Card Hack

My daughter thought she was doing the right thing, the safe thing … And that’s how hackers drained her bank account. The hacks, viruses, and scams are coming at us fast in 2017. Barely two months ago we were dealing with WannaCry. Last week the Petya ransomware virus attacked the US, Europe, and the Middle East. But credit and debit card fraud has really hit home for me lately. When someone in your family gets hacked, it really strips away the illusion that, “Those kinds of things won’t happen to me.”

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Don't Click on These 4 Covid-19 Scams

Any time there’s a lot of data moving from A to B, folks have to be extra vigilant about protecting themselves from hacks and scams. Back in 2018, when approximately 59 million Americans started receiving new Medicare and Medicaid cards, fraudsters pounced, claiming they were calling on behalf of the government to “confirm” those new ID numbers.

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