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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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WEBINAR ON DEMAND: Maximizing Social Security Benefits, August 2024

One of the most important decisions you can make is deciding when to claim Social Security. Whether you are single, married, divorced, or widowed, there are ways to maximize the lifetime benefits you receive. During this event, we discussed the critical things to think about when incorporating Social Security into your retirement planning. Areas of discussion included: - Who is eligible for Social Security? - How your benefit is calculated - The taxation of Social Security benefits - Maximizing spousal and survivor benefits - Will Social Security be there for me? - When to delay, when to file early, and why?

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WEBINAR ON DEMAND: Maximizing Social Security Benefits, August 2024

One of the most important decisions you can make is deciding when to claim Social Security. Whether you are single, married, divorced, or widowed, there are ways to maximize the lifetime benefits you receive. During this event, we discussed the critical things to think about when incorporating Social Security into your retirement planning. Areas of discussion included: - Who is eligible for Social Security? - How your benefit is calculated - The taxation of Social Security benefits - Maximizing spousal and survivor benefits - Will Social Security be there for me? - When to delay, when to file early, and why?

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WEBINAR ON DEMAND: Unexpected Retirement, June 2024

Are you being forced to retire early for any reason? No matter the reason, you should have a thoughtful plan of action should you be faced with this scenario. During this webinar, our President and CIO, Matt Wilson, discussed the steps you should take to be prepared to navigate this complex transition. The webinar delved into the following topics: - Health Insurance - Social Security - Pension Plans - Debt - Budgeting - Investment Decisions

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WEBINAR ON DEMAND: Unexpected Retirement, June 2024

Are you being forced to retire early for any reason? No matter the reason, you should have a thoughtful plan of action should you be faced with this scenario. During this webinar, our President and CIO, Matt Wilson, discussed the steps you should take to be prepared to navigate this complex transition. The webinar delved into the following topics: - Health Insurance - Social Security - Pension Plans - Debt - Budgeting - Investment Decisions

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