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WEBINAR REPLAY: 2024 Annual Market Outlook, December 2023

This webinar is an opportunity to gain professional insights into the financial landscape as we delve into the 2023 market recap and unveil our 2024 market outlook. Areas of discussion included: - An overview of the key events and trends that shaped the 2023 market landscape - Our 2024 market outlook, highlighting potential opportunities and challenges - A special holiday message from our Keen Wealth Advisors team and families

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WEBINAR REPLAY: Retirement Spending: What You Need To Know Before You Retire, March 2023

Don't miss out on your chance to RSVP for our next webinar designed to help you prepare for your spending needs in retirement, BEFORE you retire. In this educational webinar, you will: • Learn what retirees are spending and how to evaluate your spending needs. • Determine if your spending needs are reasonable with respect to your resources. • Identify if you will have margin built in for entertainment, emergencies, and unexpected expenses.

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WEBINAR REPLAY: Timing is Everything, March 2023

Retirement is a life changing event that can be really exciting...and maybe even a little scary. Are you prepared for the next phase of your life? In this educational webinar, you will learn: - How to maximize Social Security benefits - How to minimize taxes in retirement, especially if you have other retirement assets such as a 401K or pension - How to avoid running out of money when you need it the most - What Medicare will really cost you - How to dial in your spending plan before retirement - How to avoid common pitfalls that many retirees face

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