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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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WEBINAR REPLAY: Retirement Spending: What You Need To Know Before You Retire, March 2024

This webinar is designed to help prepare you for your spending needs in retirement, BEFORE you retire. During this event, we have: - Learned what retirees are spending and how to evaluate your spending needs. - Determined if your spending needs are reasonable with respect to your resources. - Identified if you will have margin built in for entertainment, emergencies, and unexpected expenses.

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WEBINAR REPLAY: Retirement Spending: What You Need To Know Before You Retire, March 2024

This webinar is designed to help prepare you for your spending needs in retirement, BEFORE you retire. During this event, we have: - Learned what retirees are spending and how to evaluate your spending needs. - Determined if your spending needs are reasonable with respect to your resources. - Identified if you will have margin built in for entertainment, emergencies, and unexpected expenses.

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WEBINAR REPLAY: Tax Planning Through the Four Stages of Retirement, February 2024

We conducted a complimentary virtual workshop on Tax Planning Through Four Stages of Retirement. During this webinar, we learned about: - The critical tax questions you must answer BEFORE retirement - The surprises that often make retirement more expensive - What the Social Security “tax trap” is and how you can avoid it - Why tapping assets in the wrong order can trigger higher Medicare premiums - Why you need to manage taxes even before you retire - The four stages of retirement and important tax actions in each stage, including tricky IRA challenges - Mistakes to avoid when it comes to your investment portfolio, health care, and estate

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WEBINAR REPLAY: Tax Planning Through the Four Stages of Retirement, February 2024

We conducted a complimentary virtual workshop on Tax Planning Through Four Stages of Retirement. During this webinar, we learned about: - The critical tax questions you must answer BEFORE retirement - The surprises that often make retirement more expensive - What the Social Security “tax trap” is and how you can avoid it - Why tapping assets in the wrong order can trigger higher Medicare premiums - Why you need to manage taxes even before you retire - The four stages of retirement and important tax actions in each stage, including tricky IRA challenges - Mistakes to avoid when it comes to your investment portfolio, health care, and estate

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